Wildlife Collection || February 2023

Shop Restock Friday February 24th at 9 am PST or 6 pm CET!

Scroll down to find the previews!

Hey my dear ferns! How’s it been?

Suddenly, at least in this patch of Earth, the first signs of Spring seem to have broken the winter rest.

Shy snowdrops have peeped from the leaf litter, and I could have sworn I heard the beat of the sap pumping up those awakening oak trunks.

What better chance to wrap a little ode to wildlife than this!

Admittedly, it’s been years since I made the effort to craft a proper wildlife collection.

I wanted to create it with intention, porpusely representing animals that I’ve encountered during my walks and excursions.

I set my thoughts onto this collection during last month’s flue – I don’t know if being feverish had to do with deciding to craft miniature animals from silver sheet – but that is exactly what happened ahahah!

Anyway, I have made an effort to keep it simple and consistent design-wise, while recreating two representatives for every main taxonomic order of animals (mammals, insects, aracnids, amphibians and avians).

The time didn’t allow to complete all the fauna that I planned to include (for example reptiles have been left out, as well as all sea creatures), but I fell sick again this month and to adjure passing out at the bench, I surrendered and took a break from work before intended.

However, there’s more.

My first love has always been botany.
At some point at the beginning of this month, my bench was covered in tiny creatures and I felt that a really important bit was missing: plants.

To quiet the remorse for leaving my chlorophyll friends out, I made a literal handfull of statement rings with flora.

I owe you an apology for crafting them in random sizes (from 5 3/4 to 9 US): I find that rings are always a bit tricky to get right. Usually the one design a person is more drawn to isn’t in their size and viceversa the right size has the wrong design.

But for experience I know leaving rings made to size is always stressfull for my little silly anxious heart and I am confident that fate will combine the right ring to its legitimate finger sooner than later.

Without further rambling, let me share the technical details as I go.

Oh, there’s one last but not least item that I haven’t covered. Read till the end to find out!

If something catches your eye, set your alarms for Friday 24th at 6 pm CET!

Fauna bracelets:

Zoom in each photo to check sizes and details.

Moth “French red underwig”
(Catocala elocata)
European dwarf mantis
(Ameles spallanzania)
Mediterranean black widow
(Latrodectus tredicimguttatus)

For the taxonomists out there, I included the latin names of the animals that inspired each piece.
For the rest of us, common names are fairly accurate!

Scorpion (Euscorpius italicus)
Italian newt (Lissotriton italicus)
Tree frog (Hyla intermedia)
Etruscan pachyurus (Suncus etruscus)
Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

Flora rings:

Flax (Linum perenne)

“The tradition of making fabrics from flax fibers is old as history: the bandages of Egyptian mummies were made of linen, so were the sails of boats.”

Fern and saprobic fungi (Polypodium vulgare and Schizophyllum commune)

Rosehip (Rosa canina)

Snowdrop (Galathus nivalis)

“Every flower blooms in its own time”, and in the case of snowdrops, it can be as early as the middle of winter!

Downy oak (Quercus pubescens gr.)

And dulcis in fundo, I made a little convertible piece that will work both as shawl pin and bracelet.

If you read so far, I would like to anticipate that a loong due belated giveaway is finally in the works!

Thank you for your patience sweet ferns!

Take care of you, you are always in my thoughts 💚
A huge mossy kiss is on your way!


Hi and welcome! My name is Alea and I am the one girl behing Pluvial Fern. Everything you see here, every piece of jewelry, every photograph, every post, is the result of my work. My sincere hope is to transmit you those values and inspirations that are the deep engines that aninated Pluvial Fern in the first place! ~ I've always love arts. Since childhood I used to spend a lot of time into wood working, book stitching, sculpting, painting and more. But being a full time student never allowed me to deepen in one of these crafts. This was until I "accidentally" discovered metalsmithing: it was love at first sight; a whole new world of opportunities unfolding in my yet inexpert hands! Being a 100% self taught maker, it was extremely tough at the beginning, and - I'm not gonna lie - frustrating once in a while. But after months of researches and over a year of practice, I finally managed to become familiar and master this medium. That's how "Pluvial Fern" was born. Fine metals and natural gems are the most duttile materials in terms of possibilities and allow me to transfer my love for wilderness and Earth into wearable art. It's exactly because of my love for the Planet, that I donate 5% of my annual income to nature conservation! My hope is to give you the best experience as customers, as well as to leave you with a piece of jewelry that communicates the passion and gratitude that went into creating it. And maybe, that tiny treasure will act as a reminder of the astounding beauty of Nature that we're all so intrinsically connected to.

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