Life and jewelry update || May 2024

June is upon us! Oh friends, the months have slipped through my fingers.

One of the roughest years and one of the most beautiful too.
They always seem to go in pairs, fear and courage, sadness and understanding, the will to change and the pain of closing a door behind.

Keeping up with Pluvial Fern has never been harder.
These 5 months have been a net negative in terms of sales, health and motivation, but at the same time I was given one of the most incredible opportunities I could dream of.

One day, earlier in March, I got an email from Amber, who promptly explained she worked for “In Her Studio” Magazine and they were interested in publishing an article about Pluvial Fern!
Before you ask, yes, the article is out already in the Summer issue, and In Her Studio was kind to share a 15% off code for those of you who want grab it (SUMMER524)!

I could spend way too many words on how my heart stopped for a moment for the enthusiasm! How much that meant to me. It was a long kept dream coming true, and I will be forever grateful for Amber and the collaborators at Stampington & Co for choosing my little jeweler studio for the spotlight.

At the same time, so much has changed. In the studio, in me, in my works and in my day to day life.
As some of you know already I’ve come back to school last year. The second half of the mycology course will unroll this Autumn, and more “academic enterprises” will happen at the same time.

I am excited, nervous, tired.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in a world that seems at its lowest: horrors unleashed, for the greed of a few. Palestinian blood spilled in the rubble as we watch, petrified, incapable to change what we witness on our screens. Time doesn’t pause, and we’re left to wonder why does it not.
At the very least, some days I wake up and the work feels superfluous.
But I’m on no pedistal to stay unoccupied, and I hope you won’t blame me for sharing this more personal insight in what is happening behind the “brand”, behind the curtains of an instagram feed.

I tried to “keep it light”, but as I was talking with some good friends, also self employed, it turned out that we all feel more or less the same: in need to post, to share our items, in need to work and provide for ourselves and our loved ones, but at a loss of words. We suddenly have little left to give beyond our struggle.

I tried to keep it light, but some heavy words kept typing themselves down.
This is my best attemp so far at sharing both the lights and the shadows, the joys and whatever the opposite of joy is these days.
Being human and vulnerable with strangers I love, oh weird sign of the times, my sweet ferns!

I will try to close this long update on a happy note, or possibly two!

The first compelling piece of news is that I’ve teamed up with 3 other artists and creators to bring you an incredible Summer GIVEAWAY, entirely handmade!
Find out more on my instagram and check out the artists: @intambo, @tinytrip_glassart, @leaflingbags . These ladies are so easy to love, not only for their stunning artworks, but for their delightful personalities!

The last important information is that the shop will – finally – be restocked with the Selvaggia Collection that’s been simmering all Spring long!
As I leave my 28th birthday behind, I keep the photos and the memories, the laughters and the beautiful places that Adriano took me to visit, and I treasure these moments for my soul and my creativity to burst!
This batch of works, not by chance, developed around tiny dwellers, enfant sauvages, wildings living their best lives in a silver framed idyll!

I’ve admittedly enjoyed getting lost in this enchanted forest world of silver miniatures: pocket-sized kids play hide and seek among fern fronds, clothed in ’50s linen dresses, exploring the undergrowth like their own playgrownd, where snails are the relative size of  horses and a leaf can turn into a blanket.

These imaginary explorers know no fear, despite being so tiny to cling on a fern frond!
There’s always something mysterious or intriguing to catch their attention, as moss paved trails lead to unexpected finds!
The quest has begun for us 1:1 humans too, where will your next adventure bring you?

I hope to hear from you soon my lovely friends!
As always, hug your mosses and wave hi to your ferns!

With love,

Hi and welcome! My name is Alea and I am the one girl behing Pluvial Fern. Everything you see here, every piece of jewelry, every photograph, every post, is the result of my work. My sincere hope is to transmit you those values and inspirations that are the deep engines that aninated Pluvial Fern in the first place! ~ I've always love arts. Since childhood I used to spend a lot of time into wood working, book stitching, sculpting, painting and more. But being a full time student never allowed me to deepen in one of these crafts. This was until I "accidentally" discovered metalsmithing: it was love at first sight; a whole new world of opportunities unfolding in my yet inexpert hands! Being a 100% self taught maker, it was extremely tough at the beginning, and - I'm not gonna lie - frustrating once in a while. But after months of researches and over a year of practice, I finally managed to become familiar and master this medium. That's how "Pluvial Fern" was born. Fine metals and natural gems are the most duttile materials in terms of possibilities and allow me to transfer my love for wilderness and Earth into wearable art. It's exactly because of my love for the Planet, that I donate 5% of my annual income to nature conservation! My hope is to give you the best experience as customers, as well as to leave you with a piece of jewelry that communicates the passion and gratitude that went into creating it. And maybe, that tiny treasure will act as a reminder of the astounding beauty of Nature that we're all so intrinsically connected to.


  • Bianca

    So, so excited to have come across your work in an article of “In her Studio.” It was the first time Ive picked it up. The story behind your “why” was the a mix of the gentle, real, whimsical and gritty that drew me to your work, obv on top of the photographs of it. Afyer reading a few blog posts I felt even more drawn to your work. I’m excited to see what this Summer line will offer. To see what the world grew in you as you were birthing these pieces. Thank you for saying yes to your craft amidst the heartbreak, joy, fear, laughter, grief and everything in between. Sending big and comforting hugs.

  • Bianca

    So, so excited to have come across your work in an article of “In her Studio.” It was the first time I’ve picked it up. The story behind your “why” was the a mix of the gentle, real, whimsical and gritty that drew me to your work, obv on top of the photographs of it. After reading a few blog posts I felt even more drawn to your work. I’m excited to see what this Summer line will offer. To see what the world grew in you as you were birthing these pieces. Thank you for saying yes to your craft amidst the heartbreak, joy, fear, laughter, grief and everything in between. Sending big and comforting hugs.

    • pluvialfern

      Oh my goodness, your words brightened my day. What a sweet sorrow to meet at this time, as my small business is at its end (unfortunately I’m closing the 6 years business this month) 🙁
      I hope we get a chance to remain in touch for what comes next <3. My warmest hugs your way

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